Hii friends here is new post There are 10 things that emotionally intelligent people refrain from saying: 1. “IT’S NOT FAIR!” Well, life isn’t fair – something most mature adults understand. Perhaps what happened is not fair; it may even be an egregious injustice. The thing to remember is that people surrounding us are often unaware of the “incident,” and even if they are privy to the scenario, proclaiming “It’s not fair” does absolutely nothing to solve the problem. As difficult as it may be, focus your attention and efforts on resolving the issue. You’ll feel better about yourself, maintain your dignity, and may just solve the problem! 2. “YOU LOOK TIRED.” Here’s the thing: we have absolutely no idea what is going on behind the scenes of a person’s life. Saying “You look tired” – no matter how well-intentioned – signals to the person that their problems are on display for everyone to see. Instead, phrase your statement or question in an empathetic fashion. For exam